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Shape the Future of the Schwarzkopf PTA: Join Our Leadership Team!

We’re on the lookout for passionate leaders to guide the Schwarzkopf Elementary PTA into the future. If you’ve ever wanted to make a real difference in our school and community, this is your chance! Every role in our PTA is accepting nominations, giving you the opportunity to step up and lead impactful initiatives. 

Nominate/Apply Today

Positions Overview


The President directs all activities, makes executive decisions, and works to build relationships/connections in the community. This role requires strong leadership, vision, and dedication to improving our school community.

VP 1 Membership and Volunteers

Manages our membership database, homeroom parents, and volunteers

VP 2 Ways and Means

Handles everything involved with fundraising and business sponsorships/partnerships

VP 1 Programs

Develops and manages programs to benefit our school community

VP 1 Outreach and Events

Helps plan events and outreach opportunities

Recording Secretary

Record meeting minutes, keep our Council organized, and manage essential documents. The Secretary is vital to ensuring transparency and effective communication within the Council.

Corresponding Secretary

Manage communications to our members and the community through regular newsletters, social media, and more.


Manage the finances of the SEPTA. This includes budgeting, reporting, and helping local units with financial compliance and training.

Committee/Task Force Chairs

Although not currently up for election, we are also looking for future leaders for our various committees. Indicate your interest, and you may be recommended for a chair role in the future.

Standing Committees

  • Family Fun Nights: Organize monthly events with local business partners

  • Spirit Sales: Process and deliver spiritwear orders; keep inventory

  • Holiday Grams: Promote, sell, assemble, and deliver various grams

  • Junior Achievement: Recruit and train volunteers, organize with teachers

  • ESE Community: Build relationships with ESE families, be the voice of ESE families for the PTA

  • School Garden: Organized regular (quarterly) garden work days

  • Sun Safety: Implement program (to help us get the AAD grant)

  • Sewing Club: Lead club activities

  • Papa Bear: Create events to engage fathers and father figures

  • Memory Book: Collect images, organize/design yearbook, manage sales/ads

  • Photography: capture images/video for social media, marketing, and memory book

  • 5th Grade Committee: Organize 5th grade banquet and end of year events

Special/Ad Hoc Committees

  • Bear Run: Annual fund raiser

  • Holiday Shop: Plan, decorate, run holiday shop

  • Fall Fest: End of year celebration event

  • Sweetheart Dance: School-wide dance

  • Trunk or Treat/Fall Fest: Arrange trunks, find sponsors, organize event

  • Pumpkin Patch: Order, organize, and run the pumpkin patch

  • Teacher Appreciation: Plan activities and donation requests (primarily TAW, but other events)

  • Veteran’s Day: Select and prepare gifts/breakfast

  • Toy Drive: Holiday community outreach

***Actual duties and responsibilities may vary, depending on the makeup of the executive board. 

The Nomination & Election Process

Becoming a leader in our Council is a straightforward process. If you’re interested, either nominate yourself or nominate someone else who you think would be an amazing fit. Here’s how it works:

  • Nomination Period: March and April (TBD).
  • Application Review: Our nominating committee will review all applications, schedule interviews, and create a slate of nominees before our spring meeting/election (TBD).
  • Those who are not slated will have the opportunity to run from the floor. This intent must be made at least two weeks before the election (exact dates TBD). 
  • Election Meeting: Elections will take place at the General Membership Meeting in the spring.
  • Transition Period: All elected officers will work with their predecessors through the transition period, ensuring continuity.

Candidates who are not slated for a board position or are not elected for their desired position are encouraged to apply for a committee or chair position. 

Ready to Take the Next Step?

If you’re ready to lead or know someone who is, click the link below to submit a nomination!
Nominate Yourself or Someone Else

Have Questions?
We’re here to help! Feel free to reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions about the roles or the process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Who is eligible to run for a position on the Board or in a committee?
Any member of our PTA unit within Hillsborough County is eligible to run for an open position. You just need to be an active PTA member who is passionate about making a difference in our schools and community. Preference goes to those who have volunteered with the PTA/school, but everyone is welcome to apply. . 

2. What positions are currently open?
All board positions are open for nominations.

We are also seeking individuals interested in potential committee and task force chair roles for the upcoming year.

3. What kind of commitment is required for board members?
Serving on the Schwarzkopf PTA Board is a rewarding experience that requires a regular time commitment. You should expect to:

  • Attend monthly board meetings (in-person or virtual).
  • Participate in events and programs
  • Collaborate with committee chairs and volunteers.

Time commitments vary depending on the position, but all roles are designed to be manageable for busy parents, educators, and community members.

4. What qualifications are needed to run for a position?
Ideal candidates are passionate about advocating for children, have good communication skills, and are ready to contribute to the PTA’s mission. Experience as a board member in a local PTA or committee chair are encouraged. We welcome individuals who are willing to learn, collaborate, and lead.

5. How can I nominate myself or someone else?
Nominations can be submitted online by completing our nomination form. You can nominate yourself or someone you believe would be an excellent fit. .

6. Can I nominate someone without telling them first?
No, it’s important to discuss your nomination with the person before submitting their name. We want all nominees to be aware of the opportunity and prepared to move forward if they’re selected.

7. What does the nomination and election process look like?
The process is simple:

  1. Nominate yourself or someone else.
  2. The Nominating Committee will review all applications, hold interviews, and prepare a slate of candidates before the spring meeting/election.
  3. Elections will be held at the General Membership Meeting, where nominees may also run from the floor if interested (with prior notice)

8. How are nominees chosen to be on the slate?
The Nominating Committee will evaluate each nomination based on the individual’s experience, enthusiasm, and alignment with our values. We aim to put forward a slate of candidates who best represent the needs and goals of our PTA.

9. What if I’m interested in a chair position instead of an executive board role?
We are not directly nominating committee chairs at this time, but you can indicate interest in chair roles on your nomination form. These positions will be filled later by the board based on expertise and fit.

10. Do I need to campaign if I’m nominated?
No formal campaigning is required. We’re more interested in your passion, skills, and vision for the Council rather than campaign tactics. Just bring your genuine commitment to improving our schools and supporting our community. Those running from the floor will be given 2 minutes to speak about their qualifications, experience, and ideas before the vote takes place. 

11. Can current board members be re-elected?
Yes, current board members can run for re-election, but they must go through the same nomination process as any new candidate. Every position is open, and we slate the best candidate for each role, whether they are an incumbent or new to the board.

12. Can I run for more than one position?
An individual can only hold one board position. Our board members typically take on committee responsibilities as well. When properly organized, our board operates as a team where the lines between positions often overlaps as we all work to achieve our mission.

12. What if I have more questions about the nomination process?
We’re here to help! Please reach out if you have any questions about the roles or the process. You can contact [email protected] with any questions you may have.