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Veteran's Day Program

Our Veteran's Day Program is a heartfelt annual event where students from all grades come together to honor and celebrate the bravery and sacrifices of our veterans. The program includes musical performances, presentations by the students, and a special breakfast where veteran family members are recognized and appreciated.

This program provides students with a meaningful way to learn about and acknowledge the contributions of our veterans. It fosters a sense of patriotism, gratitude, and respect for those who have served in the military. By participating in this event, students develop a deeper understanding of the importance of Veteran's Day and the values of service and sacrifice. It also allows all of us to show our appreciation to those who served.

We welcome all veteran family members to join us for this special event. Invitations will go out via your student's Homeroom Teachers. The performance is open only to our students and veterans. We also need volunteers to help with organizing the breakfast, setting up the event space, etc. If you're interested in volunteering or contributing to the program, please contact the PTA. Your involvement helps make this event a memorable and impactful experience for our students and veterans alike.